Saturday, August 04, 2007

Something to Churp About!

It's been busy! Five sales in ten days has had me running. I was so preoccupied with my next appointment that I almost didn't see the tiny, almost-naked baby bird laying on the ground next to my back door. So I scooped him up, made him a bed out of a candy dish and started feeding him soggy dog food. With a full belly, he snuggled up and went fast asleep. And since it was August 1st, I decided to name him August, which just happed to be the middle name of my grandfather, father and brother, all long gone.

August seems to be thriving. Yesterday we moved him from the candy dish to a shoe box and this morning he learned to walk. Maybe it's more of a crawl. One of his legs isn't working correct or perhaps he has gotten so fat from the dog food that he just can't hold himself up. Time will tell. His favorite spot seems to be curled up in the palm of my hand.

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